Wednesday, April 21, 2010



I have just received a text from Sue Williams, Margot Gibson's mum, saying that Margot has WON the World Schools Cross Country Championships in Slovakia!!! Margot outsprinted fellow New Zealand team member, Rebekah Greene, to win.

Margot, former Fendalton School and Cobham Intermediate student and now at St. Margarets, is the three times New Zealand Secondary Schools' Junior Cross Country Champion and the current Junior 1500m Champion. Our school had a Dream Maker Mufti Day for her in the last week of term one.

We are SOOOOOOO proud of her!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cross Country is Coming!

The School Cross Country Champs are on Tuesday 4 May for all ages at the school. Details are in the "Useful Links" section on the left of this blog. If any Year 5/6 children would like some help with training, please email Mr Norton at:
2010 FOS Cross country Dates:
Thursday 29 April: CC Practice run
Tuesday 4 May: School Cross Country Champs 12.40pm Year 1/2, 1.30pm 7/8 years as at 1 April 2010, 2.05pm 9/10 years as at 1 April 2010.
Thursday 13 May: CC Team trip to Burnside Park
Tuesday 18 May: West Zone Cross Country Champs at Burnside Park
Wednesday 9 June: Primary Sports Canterbury Cross country Championships at Halswell Quarry
Thursday 23 September: Inter Regional Cross Country in Hanmer

Volleyball teams 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th!

Our Volleyball teams took 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place at the Primary Sports Canterbury Friday competition in Term One. What an effort! We had 16 volleyball teams this Summer!!!

The A Tee-Ball team took 3rd in the A Grade after a couple of close losses, well done to Elmwood A who won the competition.

The Blue Girls' Milo Cricket team lost their Semi-final to Cotswold A by 3 runs! Great effort girls and well done to Cotswold who were to play St. Albans A in the final.

The Boys' Hardball Cricket teams had a very close competition this term with the Loganators, Mousies and Ozzies all having 2 wins and one loss with the Blackwell Caps playing well but losing their three games. After Fair Play points and run rates were taken into account the winners were....the Mousies!!!

We are looking forward to Winter Friday Sport with FOS being defending Champions in Hockey and Table Tennis.